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Monday, October 6, 2008


One of the key characteristics of Threadless is definitely the interaction between the company/website and the users(ie. people who visits and uses the website). Threadless markets shirts that are designed by users. This allows for product differentiation from other companies as the designs at Threadless are one of a kind.


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Threadless allows aspiring designers to design the shirts and submit them for rating by visitors and members of the community on the scale of 0 to 5. The website looks at the top 300 designs every couple of weeks and decides on 10 designs to print depending on the ratings, comments and the number of 'I'd buy it's the design have. The rating system allows the company to have a general idea of what designs customers would want. The good news is - the aspiring designers not only have their works printed out and worn on shirts internationally, they also win cash prizes and gift certificates along with the recognition of their art piece. There are incentives for both the company and the users - the company gets fresh designs every week to market and the user gets rewarded.

Rate some designs>>

From time to time, special contests - known as "Loves Threadless" run in association with several sponsors. These contests set a theme for designs and the chosen designs gets rewarded similarly with an addition of prizes from the sponsors. The success of this community model concept has led to various companies adopting the same approach.

Users may also post their photos of themselves wearing Threadless shirts to be uploaded on Threadless's photo gallery and earn points to get a shirt from Threadless for free.

Submit a Photo>>

This is undoubtedly one unique standpoint from an e-commerce website, where users of Threadless voluntarily participate in the activities of website besides shopping.

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